Campaign briefings on the CRCF

In three briefings, the Real Zero Europe (RZE) campaign outlines fundamental flaws that underpin the proposed EU Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF). The proposal sets out a legal process to quantify the carbon stored through unproven technologies such as Direct Air Capture and Storage and Bioenergy Combustion with Carbon Capture and Storage. It also paves the way for temporary carbon storage in agricultural soils, trees and wood products to generate carbon credits that may be used, among other things, to offset fossil carbon emissions.

The briefings cover:

  1. Direct Air Carbon Capture with Storage (DACCS) and Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) – technological approaches to carbon removal that carry enormous social, ecological and economic risks and equally sizeable costs, are energy-intensive and have not yet proven their scalability;

  2. The role of carbon-farming in the proposed EU Carbon Removals Certification Framework;

  3. Carbon-offsetting: the European Commission refuses to rule out use of carbon credits generated under the proposed Carbon Removals Certification Framework for the discredited offsetting approach.

The briefings are also available in French, German and Spanish.


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